
Perseverance, audacity and resourcefulness

The Tamer Institute for Community Education in Ramallah is an independent organisation that carries out reading promotion work for children and young people in the West Bank and Gaza. The institute is the hub of a network that works with writing workshops, storytelling, drama and literary discussion for children and young people.

Quick facts

Name Tamer Institute for Community Education
Founded 1989
Country Palestine
Profession Organisation
Award year 2009

The jury’s motivation

"With perseverance, audacity and resourcefulness, the Tamer Institute has, for two decades, stimulated Palestinian children’s and young adults’ love of reading – and their creativity. Under difficult circumstances, the Institute carries out reading promotion of an unusual breadth and versatility. In the spirit of Astrid Lindgren, the Tamer Institute acknowledges the power of words and the strength of books, stories and imagination as important keys to self-esteem, tolerance and the courage to face life."

With Words We Overcome Walls

- Tamer Institute for Community Education