When founding the the award in 2002, the Swedish government formulated the regulations in an ordinance.
Swedish Code of Statutes no: 2002:1091 - Ordinance (2002:1091) concerning the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
Ministry of Culture
Issued: 12 December 2002
Section 1
This Ordinance contains the regulations regarding the literary award in memory of Astrid Lindgren.
Section 2
The literary award will be awarded to authors whose writing has produced literature for children and young adult of the highest artistic quality and in the deeply humanistic spirit associated with Astrid Lindgren. The award may also be awarded to individuals or others who have made a particularly valuable contribution to promoting reading among children and young people. It may also be awarded for storytelling and to illustrators.
Section 3
The award may be awarded to one or more laureates. It shall be
awarded irrespective of the laureate's nationality. It may not be awarded posthumously.
Section 4
The award is to be presented annually. The award money amounts to SEK 5 million.
Section 5
A special jury at the Swedish Arts Council is responsible for nominating and selecting the laureates. The jury shall have an office providing administrative support.
Section 6
The jury shall comply, where applicable, with only the following provisions
contained in the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223):
- Sections 11 and 12 on disqualification
- Section 18 on voting.
Section 7
The Swedish Arts Council may issue
any regulations required for the enforcement of this Ordinance.
Section 8
Decisions pursuant to this Ordinance may not be appealed against.