Jury Rules of Procedure
The jury has drawn up rules of procedure to govern its basic tasks. The rules of procedure were adopted on 9 December 2003.
§ 1 Jury Composition
The jury for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award consists of twelve members. The members of the jury, including its chairperson, are appointed by the board of the Swedish Arts Council.
§ 2 Jury Responsibilities
The jury shall decide on nominations for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award and name the recipient of the award.
§ 3 Jury Tasks
The jury names nominators who have the right to nominate recipients of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.
The list of nominators is revised yearly and should be established at least six months before the close of the nomination period.
The jury may make its own nominations. Jury members submit recommendations, after which the jury decides on joint nominations.
The jury defines rules for nominations, its own and those of the nominators.
The jury establishes and publishes a list of nominations, its own and those of the nominators.
The jury reviews all of the nominations, selects from among them, and divides work tasks among its members.
The jury sets its own meetings, their number and times.
§ 4 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award Recipient
The jury names one or more award recipients and distributes the prize money.
§ 5 Convening a Meeting
The jury chairperson, after consultation with the director of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Office, convenes a meeting by sending written notice to jury members at least one week in advance. An agenda and supporting materials should be attached to the notice.
Jury members can call for meetings. If at least four jury members so request, the director of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Office shall convene a meeting within the space of one month.
§ 6 Attendance
Jury members who are unable to attend a meeting in person may participate via telephone or video linkup or in some similar way.
§ 7 Jury Decisions
The jury forms a quorum when at least eight members are present. When votes are taken, each member has one vote.
The jury is governed by the applicable parts of the following provisions in the Administrative Procedures Act (Förvaltningslagen 1986:223): Sections 11 and 12 on Disqualification and Section 18 on Voting.
§ 8 Officers
The jury chairperson leads the proceedings. In the absence of the chairperson, the members in attendance select someone to chair the proceedings.
Staff of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award Office and the Swedish Arts Council may be co-opted to meetings. Co-opted members may speak but may not vote.
For each nomination round, the jury chooses at its first meeting an ordinary and a deputy keeper of the minutes who will serve for the entire nomination round.
The minutes are verified by an examiner, who is chosen at each meeting.
§ 9 Minutes
Minutes are kept of decisions taken during meetings. The verified minutes are sent out as soon as possible after the meetings. Pending the verification of the minutes, unverified minutes may be communicated to jury members.