Nominate for the award
There are some rules to keep track of around the nomination process. Here are questions and answers that we hope will clarify.
Please note, that the jury maintains the right to reject late or incomplete nominations, nominations from organisations not approved by the jury or nominations otherwise invalid according to the nomination rules.
1. When is the time to nominate?
The nominating process usually opens in the beginning of March and closes in the middle of May. If you have any questions regarding the nominating process and the dates, please contact us on nomination@alma.se
2. Who is entitled to submit nominations?
• Only the appointed nominating bodies and the ALMA jury are entitled to propose candidates.
• Nominating bodies may neither nominate themselves, their own projects, nor a project where the nominating body is a co-organiser. A nominating body may not nominate individuals that are part of the management of their own organisation.
List of nominating bodies
3. Who is eligible for nominations?
• Nominating bodies may propose authors, illustrators and storytellers whose work for children and young adults is of the highest artistic quality, and which echoes the same profound spirit of humanity that characterized Astrid Lindgren’s own work. The award is for an entire body of work, not an individual piece.
• Nominating bodies may also propose individuals, organisations, projects or the like that have carried out exceptional work to promote reading for children and young adults.
• The award cannot be given posthumously.
4. How many candidates can be nominated by each organisation?
• Each nominating body is entitled to nominate a total of four candidates in the following categories: author, illustrator, oral storytelling and reading promotion. It is allowed for a candidate to be nominated in more than one category.
• A maximum of two candidates from the nominating body’s own country.
• A maximum of two candidates from other countries.
5. What should a valid nomination comprise?
• The documents that should accompany a valid nomination is specified in the nomination form.
See our sample forms here:
Nominating a person
Nominating an organisation
• The mandatory fields in the nomination form must be completed. The documents that should accompany a valid nomination is specified in the nomination form.
• In the case of a re-nomination, it is sufficient to send in the first page of the nomination form with the name of the re-nominated candidate. However, information that relates to new works or contains any other relevant new information should be also be submitted.
6. Nomination format
Nominations may be submitted through our e-service. You may also nominate by e-mail or by regular mail to:
Att. Nomination
P.O. Box 27215
SE-102 53 Stockholm
E-mail: nomination@alma.se
7. How long is a nomination valid?
A nomination is only valid for the year in question. The following year(s) the nominating body can re-nominate the candidate(s), see 4.
8. Nomination language
The forms for nomination are available in English and Swedish. The nomination form must be submitted in one of these two languages.
9. Assessment of candidates
All candidates have an equal chance, regardless of the nominating body. A candidate’s chances are not dependent on the number of nominations received for the candidate in question.
Further questions? Please contact
David Nygård